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    Pedal, Grow, Repeat with Pedal Up Club.
    Affordable, subscription-based bikes.
    Designed to grow with your child.


Bike subscription benefits

Every child is different, and their biking needs may vary. Kids’ bike subscription services often offer customizable plans, allowing you to choose the bike size, style, and duration that best suits your child’s preferences and interests.
Kids grow up fast, and their bike needs change as they outgrow their current size. A bike subscription service allows you to rent bikes, ensuring you have the right size and type of bike for your child at each stage of their development. This approach can save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to spend on new bikes every few years.
Children’s bikes can take up a lot of space, especially if you have limited storage at home. With a bike subscription service, you won’t have to worry about where to store old bikes once your child outgrows them. Simply return the bike and get the next size delivered to your doorstep or pick up at one of our Bike shop partners!
By opting for a bike subscription service, you contribute to a more sustainable environment. With fewer bikes being discarded and more being reused, there’s a positive impact on reducing waste and the carbon footprint.